Frequently Asked Questions


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How do I install Capistrano?

Once you have Ruby 1.8.6 (MRI) with RubyGems installed, type the following command.

 gem install capistrano

Does Capistrano work on Ruby 1.9? JRuby? Rubinius?

Capistrano should be working fine on Ruby 1.9. Capistrano may work under JRuby, but hasn't been tested on Rubinius or the other non-MRI rubies.

(This does not mean your server can't run Rubinius, etc. Just means you must use one of the supported rubies to execute Capistrano tasks on your local machine - the machine you use to control your servers.)

What does "capifying" mean?

Capifying is the process of configuring your application to use Capistrano for deployment.

How do I "capify" a rails application?

Make sure you're in the root of the application, and type: "capify ." This will create two files: ./Capfile and ./config/deploy.rb

What is a Capfile?

"Capfile" is to Capistrano as "Rakefile" is to Rake, and "Makefile" is to make. It is the file that cap (Capistrano's command-line client) will try to find and load by default.

What is the purpose of the ./config/deploy.rb file in a Rails application?

Rails conventions dictate that all configuration should go under the config/ directory. So the default Capfile will mostly just load the default deployment recipes, and then load "config/deploy.rb" You could get away with just using Capfile, and deleting config/deploy.rb.

Standard Variables

What is the :application variable?

The :application variable isn't used for much, but is handy for identifying which app is being deployed.

What is the :user variable?

The :user variable is the SSH username you are logging into the servers as. In collaborative development, you might not want to embed your own username here, since other developers might be deploying, too.

What is the :password variable?

The :password variable is the SSH password you are logging into the servers with. It should be the password that matches the :user variable. It is generally not a good idea to hard-code this variable into the file, except while you are first getting familiar with Capistrano. It is much better idea to setup SSH public/private keys [TODO - add link] - in which case this variable does not need to be set at all.

What is the :scm variable?

The :scm variable is for specifying the type of source control system you are using. It is set to :subversion by default. It is unnecessary to set it explicitly unless you are using something else. See the 'Source Control' section below for more info.

What is the :scm_username variable?

The :scm_username variable is the username that your source control system (for ex: subversion) will use to access the repository.

What is the :scm_password variable?

The :scm_password variable is the password that your source control system (for ex: subversion) will use to access the repository. It is generally not a good idea to hard-code this variable into the file, except while you are first getting familiar with Capistrano. It is a better idea to cache the credentials on your server once, after which a password is not required. (svn specific) [TODO - add link on how to cache SVN credentials]

What is the :repository variable?

The :repository variable is the url of the repository that hosts our code.

What is the :local_repository variable?

The :local_repository variable is the repository URL that should be used when querying from the local host. If this is set, :repository, becomes the URL that should be used when querying the repository from the remote hosts. This is handy when your accessing the repository via different methods locally vs. remotely. For example:

In this case, on the remote server, the repository is local and file-based. On your development machine, you are accessing it via svn+ssh.

What is the :deploy_to variable?

The :deploy_to variable is where we're going to be deploying the application to.

For example:


This defaults to:


What is the :use_sudo variable?

The :use_sudo variable tells the default deployment recipes whether we want to use "sudo" or not. "sudo" is a unix tool for executing commands as the root user. To use it, your user must have sudo access enabled. If you're using shared hosting where sudo access may not be enabled for your user, in which case you should set :use_sudo to false. In general, if you can get away without using it, you should avoid it. For example, 37signals now uses a system where they have a special deployment user, and always deploy as that user. 37signals no longer uses sudo for general deploys.

:use_sudo, false

How can I prompt for a variable in a cap script when I run it? (instead of embedding it directly)

You could prompt for it, using:

 set(:user) { Capistrano::CLI.ui.ask("User name: ") }

Giving a block to a variable causes the value of the variable to be deferred. The block will be called the first time the variable is requested, and the value returned by the block will be cached as the new value of the variable.

Available Variables

What is the current_path variable

What is the release_path variable

What is the version variable


What are roles?

Roles are named sets of servers that you can target your tasks to execute against. Capistrano starts with three roles by default, :app, :web, and :db. Declare roles like follows:

 role :app, "your app-server here" 
 role :web, "your web-server here" 
 role :db,  "your db-server here", :primary => true

In a single server setup, all three roles will point to the same server hostname:

 role :app, "" 
 role :web, "" 
 role :db,  "", :primary => true

What is the :app role?

For a Rails application, the :app role is where your ruby/rails daemons are run from.

What is the :web role?

This is for defining which server(s) are running your front-end web server or load-balancing proxy server. A few examples include Apache, Nginx, Pound, HAProxy. If you have a separate box handing the incoming web requests and delegating them out to one or more app servers, this is the role to use.

What is the :db role?

Currently the :db role is simply for telling capistrano which server should be used to run Rails migrations. By setting a server to role of :db with :primary => true, Capistrano will run migrations on only this box. The :db role is not intended to be used for a separate database server which is not running Rails application code.

What is the :primary option used for with the :db role?

The :primary => true option on the :db role tells capistrano this server is the server from which to run Rails migrations.

Which tasks get executed for which roles?

By default, a task will execute on all servers in all roles.

How do I make a task that only applies to a specific role?

Use the :roles option when defining the task, for example:

 task :sweet_libs_only_task, :roles => :libs do
   # some commands which should only
   # be executed for :libs servers

How do I make a custom role?

Use the "role" keyword, followed by a symbolic name for your role, followed by one more servers. Use the following syntax in your capistrano script:

 role :libs, "" # Creates a :libs role which targets a single server
 role :memcached, "", "" # Creates a :memcached role which targets multiple servers

Command Line Options

How do I get a terse list of command line options?

At the command prompt, type "cap -h"

How do I get a verbose list of command line options?

At the command prompt, type "cap -H"

How do I get a list of available tasks?

At the command prompt, in the root of your project directory (or wherever your Capfile is), type "cap -T". This will only show documented tasks that are not flagged as "internal".

How do I get a full list of tasks including internal or undocumented tasks?

At the command prompt, in the root of your project directory (or wherever your Capfile is), type "cap -Tv"

How do I learn more about a specific task?

The best way is to read the source code. But if the developer has included an extended description of the task, you can output this info in the terminal window by typing "cap -e task_name". For example, "cap -e deploy"

How do I use a Capfile at a different location than my current directory?

If you want to specify the location to the capfile, use the -f flag. For example: "cap -f /home/demo/SpecialCapFile deploy"

How do I tell what version of Capistrano I'm running?

At the command prompt, type "cap -V".

Standard tasks

How do I verify the dependencies on the server?

The Capistrano task "deploy:check" is like asking "does it look safe to deploy?" It checks things like directory permissions, necessary utilities, and so forth, reporting on the things that appear to be incorrect or missing. This is good for making sure a deploy has a chance of working before you actually run "cap deploy".

If your server fails a dependency check, you will get a message like:

 The following dependencies failed. Please check them and try again:
 --> `/home/students/.../www/tutorial/releases' does not exist. Please run `cap deploy:setup'. (
 --> You do not have permissions to write to `/home/students/.../www/tutorial'. (
 --> You do not have permissions to write to `/home/students/.../www/tutorial/releases'. (

If your server passes all dependency checks, you will get a message like:

 You appear to have all necessary dependencies installed

How do I define my own dependencies?

You can define your own dependencies using the "depend" method:

 depend :remote, :gem, "tzinfo", ">=0.3.3"
 depend :local, :command, "svn"
 depend :remote, :directory, "/u/depot/files"

Depend takes a "location" argument (:remote or :local), a "type" argument - (:gem, :command, directory), and one or more additional arguments depending on the context. [TODO - Looked up depend(location, type, *args) doc - what are all of the options for location, type, and arguments? Not documented fully in rdoc.]

How do I setup the default Capistrano directory structure on my server?

Use the "deploy:setup" task. At the command prompt, at the root of your project, type "cap deploy:setup". This will create the following directory structure:


Is it safe to run deploy:setup multiple times?

In general, cap deploy:setup is non-destructive, and is safe to invoke as many times as needed, say, if you are adding a new server or two to the mix.

How do I prepare the database?

Currently Capistrano does not automate this process for you by default. It may include some facility for doing so in the future. So, you will need to login and actually create your database. Assuming you are using MySQL and it is already set up on your server, just log in, then log into MySQL, and use CREATE DATABASE to create a database with the same name as your user name. For example:

How does Capistrano know how to "start" my application?

When you first deploy your application, Capistrano needs to know how to "spin up" your application (start fastcgi, mongrel, thin, etc.) To start your application, Capistrano expects to execute a "script/spin" file on your server, which you must create and check in to your repository. You could also just override the deploy:start task, but if you do that, you must always start your application via Capistrano, since the start logic does not exist on the remote servers. (Sometimes you might want to manually rekick the listeners on one of the servers; in that case, it's nice to have a "script/spin" script file handy.)

Ruby on Rails Specific: Rails does most of the work for us with the existing "script/process/spawner" script. Let's make the "script/spin" script simply call the "script/process/spawner" script. In your local development copy, create a script file named "spin" and place it in the "script" directory of your app. It should contain the following:

 /var/www/your_app/current/script/process/spawner \
   mongrel \
   --environment=production \
   --instances=1 \
   --address= \

Then mark this file as executable:

 $ chmod +x script/spin

Then add it to your repository:

For svn:

 $ svn add script/spin && svn commit script/spin -m "add spin script"

For git:

 $ git add script/spin && git commit -m "add spin script"


  • Be sure to replace the path and #{port} with the correct settings for your application.
  • Note that we used a full path, here, since Capistrano's current directory is not RAILS_ROOT when it calls script/spin.
  • The port number is the port that our mongrel instance (only one, in this case) will listen on.
  • The spin script is a shell (typically bash) script, not Ruby, and not Capistrano DSL.
  • This file should be created locally and checked in to your repository. It will wind up on your servers when you deploy.

Custom Tasks

How do I write custom tasks?

Define a task with the "task" keyword, followed by a symbol, and a block containing the commands it should execute using either the run or sudo command. For example:

 task :touch_restart_file do
   run "touch /tmp/restart.txt" # will execute remotely on your server(s)

How do I execute a custom task?

If you want to run a custom task on your server(s) independently of your other cap tasks, simply run it with the cap command.

 $ cap touch_restart_file

How do I "hook" in my methods to run before or after standard deployment tasks?

You may wish for your custom tasks to piggy back onto the standard deployment script to do any custom work needed to deploy your app. This is easily done using "before" or "after" hooks. This is best illustrated with an example:

 after "deploy:setup", :setup_production_database_configuration

This tells capistrano to run the :setup_production_database_configuration task immediately after deploy:setup has run.

Need to hook in more than one custom task?

 before "deploy:update_code", :prepare_app
 after "deploy:update_code", :do_foo
 after "deploy:update_code", :do_bar

This will run the tasks in the following order:

 :prepare_app -> deploy:update_code -> :do_foo -> :do_bar

Source Control

Capistrano is (at least by default) highly dependent on your source control system. In general, it is good practice to use some kind of source code management even for anything you are wanting to deploy.

What if I'm not using Subversion?

Capistrano comes prepackaged with the ability to interface with many different source control systems. By default, Capistrano is setup to use Subversion. To use a different source control system, specify it by setting the :scm variable:

 set :scm, :git

The available options for :scm include:

 :subversion # default

Each source control system may have some extra, system-specific variables that may need to be set as well. Consult the Capistrano rdoc for these.

What are deployment "strategies"?

A deployment strategy is the method capistrano uses to get code from your source control system to your server(s). The default "checkout" strategy works well enough as a default, but sometimes it either is insufficient, too slow, or not possible at all. For instance, if the source repository is not accessible from the deployment machine, you'll need to find a different way to deploy.

Capistrano lets you define different deployment strategies to handle this.

There are several that come prepackaged with cap. To use one, just set the :deploy_via variable:

 set :deploy_via, :remote_cache

The available options for :deploy_via include:

 :checkout # default

Each deployment strategy may have some extra, strategy-specific variables that may need to be set as well. Consult the Capistrano rdoc for these.

Updating and Rolling Back

Once you've run "cap deploy" a few times, you'll have directory structure that looks similar to this:

 (deploy_to)/current -> (deploy_to)/releases/20080627224442

Each timestamped directory within the "releases" directory is a copy of your code as-of that date and time. The "current" directory is a symlink to the latest release.

Why are all app releases on the servers file system?

This allows us to roll back to a previous release if we ever deploy a lemon.

Why does Capistrano put new releases in a separate directory and symlink to them?

Deploys are mostly atomic that way. You don't muddy up a perfectly good release with new files; instead, you push the new files to their own directory, and when everything is ready, you switch over to the new release by updating the symlink.

What is the (deploy_to)/current/REVISION file and why is it useful?

It holds the current revision number for the deployed release. This is useful because - a) it knows which version to rollback to if necessary, b) it helps to know which code is deployed when diagnosing issues, and c) it can also be used to do diffs, to see what hasn't been deployed yet.

How can I tell what changes have been made since my last deploy?

You can get a commit log of changes that have occurred since the last deploy using the "cap deploy:pending" command. Sometimes the log isn't helpful enough. Sometimes you want to see the actual diff of what's changed. Easy enough: "cap deploy:pending:diff". That'll show you the diff between what's been deployed, and what's in the repository.

What happens when a deploy goes bad? How can I switch back to the previously deployed version?

Ideally just call "cap deploy:rollback", but this is not quite enough currently, for mongrel-based rails apps. What deploy:rollback does is switch the symlink to the previous version, DELETES the bad version, and then restarts the application. Sadly, when mongrel tries to restart, it sees that it's working directory is no longer valid (since it's been deleted) and dies. This will be addressed in a future version of Capistrano (2.4.3 at the time this was written). In the meantime, we can work around this by just calling deploy:start at the same time: "cap deploy:rollback deploy:start".

Note: It is not possible, in general, for a database migration to be fully reversible. So capistrano cannot assume that your migrations can be reversed


Where is a good place to store passwords?

Generally, it is not a good idea to store passwords in your code repository. Production passwords are especially inappropriate.

Best practice: put the production password config file somewhere on each server, and then copy it to the release directory on each deploy.

Ruby on Rails Specific:

Here is task for generating your production database.yml file when you run "cap deploy:setup". It will prompt you for the production password and then generate a YAML file at (deploy_to)/shared/config/database.yml

 task :setup_production_database_configuration do
   mysql_password = Capistrano::CLI.password_prompt("Production MySQL password: ")
   require 'yaml'
   spec = { "production" => {
     "adapter" => "mysql",
     "database" => user,
     "username" => user,
     "password" => mysql_password } }
   run "mkdir -p #{shared_path}/config"
   put(spec.to_yaml, "#{shared_path}/config/database.yml")
 after "deploy:setup", :setup_production_database_configuration

This task will then copy your database yaml file from the shared directory to the current release directory each time you deploy.

 task :copy_production_database_configuration do
   run "cp #{shared_path}/config/database.yml #{release_path}/config/database.yml"
 after "deploy:update_code", :copy_production_database_configuration

How can I get Capistrano to prompt before executing each command?

Use the "-d" (debug switch), which tells cap to prompt before executing each command. This is a >=2.4 version feature. It's a great way to debug a task, but it's also great for learning how a task works. For example:

 $ cap -d deploy

How can I tunnel SSH connections through a "gateway" server? Why would I want/need to?

First, consider the case where the servers you need to deploy to are behind a firewall. There is one server you can SSH to from the outside, and from that server you can then SSH to the others. Such a server is sometimes called a DMZ. Capistrano calls it a "gateway", since it can be used to tunnel connections to the servers behind it. To tell Capistrano to tunnel connections through a gateway, just set the :gateway variable:

 set :gateway, ""